CBSE goes global

Posted by Part Time Jobs Online | Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The new CBSE International will have a flexible curriculum. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is all set to go international. An International school board set up on the lines of the UK based IGCSE, affiliated to the University of Cambridge and the Geneva based International Baccalaureate (IB) will be put into place by the CBSE next year.

The new CBSE International will have a flexible curriculum. The Syllabus for social studies would definitely require shifting its focus from Indian history, geography, art and culture. In the meantime a committee comprising CBSE officials, principals and academicians are working on the social studies syllabus to make it more relevant to students. Subjects such as American and European history will be offered as well as international history.

They plan to spread across the world and also it is very useful for the students in order to bring CBSE to a recognised international institution status, it is necessary for us to be affiliated to a sizeable number of countries. Out of the thousands of schools affiliated to the CBSE, almost 125 of them function in the Gulf. CBSE International will highlight its long established strenghts in science and mathematics touting these as worthy options to invest in. They should be ready with their international thus ready to rollout.

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